In this witty sequel to the traditional Goldilocks story, Little Bear is all grown up and finds himself in the Big City. What are the chances of him bumping into someone who remembers exactly how he likes his porridge? Full color.
Publisher Marketing: In this award-winning authorillustrator's witty sequel to the traditional Goldilocks story, Little Bear is all grown up and Goldilocks is a distant memory. One day, Little Bear wanders out of the woods and finds himself lost in the Big City. Will he find the city too noisy? Too quiet? Or just right? And what are the chances of him bumping in to someone who remembers exactly how he likes his porridge?
Product Details
ISBN13: 9781536234855
Publisher: Candlewick Press (MA)
Publication Date: Nov-2023
Pages: 32
Lexile Level: 0540
Ages: 03 - 07
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