Follow the adventures of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, in this lively retelling of a much-loved classic tale. The sisters fall into one scrape after another, as tempers flare, illness strikes and their lives are filled with new experiences and loves.
Publisher Marketing:Come laugh and cry with the March family in this beloved classic. Meg - the sweet-tempered one. Jo - the smart one. Beth - the shy one. Amy - the sassy one.
Together they're the March sisters. Their father is away at war and times are difficult, but the bond between the sisters is strong. Through sisterly squabbles, happy times and sad, their four lives follow different paths, and that discover the growing up is sometimes very hard to do. . .
This edition includes an introduction by Louise Rennison, and a behind-the-scenes journey, including an author profile, a guide to who's who, activities and more.