In this hilarious illustrated chapter book series, bad guys are doing good deeds...whether you want them to or not!
Publisher Marketing: In this hilarious illustrated chapter book series, bad guys are doing good deeds...whether you want them to or not!They sound like bad guys, they look like bad guys . . . and they even smell like bad guys. But Mr. Wolf, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Snake, and Mr. Shark are about to change all of that...Mr. Wolf has a daring plan for the Bad Guys' first good mission. They are going to break two hundred dogs out of the Maximum Security City Dog Pound. Will Operation Dog Pound go smoothly? Will the Bad Guys become the Good Guys? And will Mr. Snake please stop swallowing Mr. Piranha?!Suenan como tipos malos, parecen tipos malos e incluso huelen como tipos malos. Pero el Sr. Lobo, el Sr. Piraña, el Sr. Serpiente y el Sr. Tiburón están a punto de cambiar eso...El Sr. Lobo tiene un plan muy arriesgado para que los integrantes de su pandilla se conviertan en tipos buenos: ¡van a liberar a doscientos perros de la perrera! ¿Lo conseguirán? Eso está por averiguarse.
Product Details
ISBN13: 9781338138962
Publisher: Scholastic en Espanol
Publication Date: Jun-2018
Pages: 144
Lexile Level: 0250
Ages: 07 - 10
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